Source code for parpydtk2

"""Main module interface of ParPyDTK2

.. moduleauthor:: Qiao Chen <>

B2G : bool
    boolean flag of ``True`` denotes transferring direction from ``blue`` to
G2B : bool
    boolean flag of ``False`` denotes transferring direction from ``green`` to
MMLS : int
    flag (0) represents using `modified moving least square` method
SPLINE : int
    flag (1) represents using `spline interpolation` method
N2N : int
    flag (2) represents using `nearest node projection` method
AWLS : int
    flag (3) represents using `adaptive weighted least square` method
N2N_MATCH : int
    flag (4) represents using `matching n2n` method
    flag (0) represents using `Wendland 2nd-order` RBF weights
    flag (1) represents using `Wendland 4th-order` RBF weights
    flag (2) represents using `Wendland 6th-order` RBF weights
WU2 : int
    flag (3) represents using `Wu 2nd-order` RBF weights
WU4 : int
    flag (4) represents using `Wu 4th-order` RBF weights
WU6 : int
    flag (5) represents using `Wu 6th-order` RBF weights
BUHMANN3 : int
    flag (6) represents using `Buhmann 3rd-order` RBF weights
WENDLAND21 : int
    flag (7) represents using `Wendland 2nd-order 1st dimension` RBF weights

import sys
import parpydtk2.error_handle as error
from ._version import __version__
from .imeshdb import IMeshDB
from .mapper import Mapper

__b2g__ = True
__g2b__ = False
B2G = __b2g__
G2B = __g2b__

__mmls__ = 0
__spline__ = 1
__n2n__ = 2
__awls__ = 3
__n2n_match__ = 4
MMLS = __mmls__
SPLINE = __spline__
N2N = __n2n__
AWLS = __awls__
N2N_MATCH = __n2n_match__

__wendland2__ = 0
__wendland4__ = 1
__wendland6__ = 2
__wendland21__ = 7
WENDLAND2 = __wendland2__
WENDLAND4 = __wendland4__
WENDLAND6 = __wendland6__
WENDLAND21 = __wendland21__

__wu2__ = 3
__wu4__ = 4
__wu6__ = 5
WU2 = __wu2__
WU4 = __wu4__
WU6 = __wu6__

__buhmann3__ = 6
BUHMANN3 = __buhmann3__

[docs]def get_include(): """Get the abs include path""" import os return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
[docs]def create_imeshdb_pair(comm=None): """Create a pair of interface mesh databases This is a convenient and safe way to create a pair of imeshdbs, i.e. ``blue`` and ``green`` participants with a unified communicator. Please use this API instead of directly creating :py:class:`~parpydtk2.IMeshDB`. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI.Comm (optional) MPI communicator, default is ``None`` or ``MPI_COMM_WORLD``. Returns ------- tuple of :py:class:`~parpydtk2.IMeshDB` ``blue`` and ``green`` participants Examples -------- Create mesh databases with ``MPI_COMM_WORLD`` >>> from parpydtk2 import * >>> blue, green = create_imeshdb_pair() Create mesh databases with explicit communicator >>> from mpi4py import * >>> from parpydtk2 import * >>> comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD >>> blue, green = create_imeshdb_pair(comm) """ return IMeshDB(comm), IMeshDB(comm)